ls -l file1 -rw------- 2 unixjohn 3287 Apr 8 12:10 file1
The owner of the file has read and write permission.
ls -l file2 -rw-r--r-- 2 unixjohn 3287 Apr 8 12:11 file2
The owner has read and write permission. Everyone else - the group and all other users - can read the file.
ls -l myprog -rwx--x--x 2 unixjohn 3287 Apr 8 12:10 myprog
The user has read, write and execute permission. Everyone else -the group and all others- can execute the file.
ls -l ... drwxr-x--- 2 erpl08 1024 Jun 17 10:00 SCCS
This is a directory. The user has read, write and execute permission. The group has read and execute permission on the directory. Nobody else can get access to it.